I am a researcher and adjunct professor at the School of Political Science, Government and International Relations at Tel Aviv University (TAU). I am specialized in comparative research on empirical democracy and governance research, corruption, political psychology as well as in methodology. At TAU I mainly research on the causes and consequences of corruption as well as on norms and values of the Israeli and Palestinian society related to the conflict.
I obtained my Ph.D. from Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany, about „Is it all about profit? Corruption in European Comparative Perspective” discussing the causes of corruption across and within European countries from a quantitative point of view. The thesis especially highlights the relationship between corruption and democracy.
I have already published several articles, books and special issues such as on Corruption and Informal Practices in the Middle East and North Africa (Routledge), Corruption and Norms: Why Informal Rules Matter (Palgrave), Corruption in Europe (Nomos-Verlag) or Experiments in Political Science (VS-Verlag). I had several academic stays abroad such as in the USA, Sweden, Italy or Russia where I have been working with international colleagues such as Russell D. Dalton from the University of California, Irvine. I am part of several research groups on corruption and founding member of the Interdisciplinary Corruption Research Network (ICRN).
Workshop on the Corruption-Conflict Nexus
12.-13. December 2018, School of Political Science, Government and International Relations, Tel Aviv University
5th ICRN Forum​ "Light and Shadows: Inquiring about Corruption, Anti-Corruption and Integrity"
11-.13. June 2020, Bergen (Norway)
4th ICRN Forum:"Varieties of (anti)corruption: Learning from the past for the future”
12.-13. June 2019, Kiev
Work in Progress
2019. Corruption, democracy and (non-development): The role of the European Union, with Liljana Cvetanoska. In: Gordon Crawford and Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai (Eds). Handbook on Democracy and Development. Edward Elgar Publishing (forthcoming).​
2019. Disentangling the Corruption-Populism Link: Concepts and Approaches, with Miranda Loli. In: Alina Mungiu-Pippidi and Paul Heywood (Eds). The State of the Art in Corruption Research and Agenda for the Future. Edward Elgar Publishing. (forthcoming).
Revisiting the role of risk-aversion in gender and corruption research, with Amy Alexander and Lena Wängnerud (article manuscript in preparation).
Populism and Corruption in the Digital Age, with Miranda Loli (article manuscript in preparation).
Meta-Study on Bribery Games, with Nils Koebis and Bruno Verschuere (article manuscript in preparation).
Why is there so much variation in the level of corruption between democracies? A comparative experimental analysis of three democratic societies (article manuscript in preparation).
“'This is How it Goes'”: Why Israel does not solve its corruption problems (article manuscript in preparation).