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I am a researcher and adjunct professor at the School of Political Science, Government and International Relations at Tel Aviv University (TAU). I am specialized in comparative research on empirical democracy and governance research, corruption, political psychology as well as in methodology. At TAU I mainly research on the causes and consequences of corruption as well as on norms and values of the Israeli and Palestinian society related to the conflict.

I obtained my Ph.D. from Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany, about „Is it all about profit? Corruption in European Comparative Perspective” discussing the causes of corruption across and within European countries from a quantitative point of view. The thesis especially highlights the relationship between corruption and democracy. 

I have already published several articles, books and special issues such as on Corruption and Informal Practices in the Middle East and North Africa (Routledge)Corruption and Norms: Why Informal Rules Matter (Palgrave), Corruption in Europe (Nomos-Verlag) or Experiments in Political Science (VS-Verlag). I had several academic stays abroad such as in the USA, Sweden, Italy or Russia where I have been working with international colleagues such as Russell D. Dalton from the University of California, Irvine. I am part of several research groups on corruption and founding member of the Interdisciplinary Corruption Research Network (ICRN).



Workshop on the Corruption-Conflict Nexus
12.-13. December 2018, School of Political Science, Government and International Relations, Tel Aviv University
5th ICRN Forum​ "Light and Shadows: Inquiring about Corruption, Anti-Corruption and Integrity"
11-.13. June 2020, Bergen (Norway)


4th ICRN Forum:"Varieties of (anti)corruption: Learning from the past for the future”
12.-13. June 2019, Kiev

Work in Progress

  • 2019. Corruption, democracy and (non-development): The role of the European Union, with Liljana Cvetanoska. In: Gordon Crawford and Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai (Eds). Handbook on Democracy and Development. Edward Elgar Publishing (forthcoming).​


  • 2019. Disentangling the Corruption-Populism Link: Concepts and Approaches, with Miranda Loli. In: Alina Mungiu-Pippidi and Paul Heywood (Eds). The State of the Art in Corruption Research and Agenda for the Future. Edward Elgar Publishing. (forthcoming).


  • Revisiting the role of risk-aversion in gender and corruption research, with Amy Alexander and Lena Wängnerud (article manuscript in preparation).


  • Populism and Corruption in the Digital Age, with Miranda Loli (article manuscript in preparation).


  • Meta-Study on Bribery Games, with Nils Koebis and Bruno Verschuere (article manuscript in preparation).


  • Why is there so much variation in the level of corruption between democracies? A comparative experimental analysis of three democratic societies (article manuscript in preparation).


  • “'This is How it Goes'”: Why Israel does not solve its corruption problems (article manuscript in preparation).

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