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Conferences (Selection)

  • 08/2018 Section Chair, “The Politics of Corruption and Anti-Corruption Around the World”, ECPR General Conference, Hamburg, August 22–25


  • 08/2018 Panel Chair, “Corruption and the Responsibility of (Political) Elites”, ECPR General Conference, Hamburg, August 23


  • 08/2018 Panel Chair, “Frames, Narrative and Interpretations of Corruption and Integrity”, ECPR General Conference, Hamburg, 24 August


  • 08/2018 “'This is How it Goes': Why Does Israel Not Solve its Corruption Problems?”, ECPR General Conference, Hamburg, August 24


  • 06/2018 3. ICR Forum - Mechanisms of Corruption: Regional Perspectives and Potential Solutions, University of Gothenburg, Quality of Government Institute, June 07–09


  • 06/2018 Panel Chair, “It ain’t all about the money” - Non-monetary causes of corruption, University of Gothenburg, Quality of Government Institute, June 07


  • 06/2018 Panel Chair, “Promoting anti-corruption when corruption is the norm”, University of Gothenburg, Quality of Government Institute, June 07


  • 06/2018 Panel Chair, “Measuring Corrupt Behavior – Qualitatitve, quantitiative and mixed methods”, University of Gothenburg, Quality of Government Institute, June 07


  • 06/2018 Panel Chair, “Gender and Corruption”, University of Gothenburg, Quality of Government Institute, June 08


  • 06/2017 “Corruption and the Impact of Democracy”, with Anna Schwickerath, Interdisciplinary Corruption Research (ICR) Forum “How to conceptualize corruption? Understanding corruption to design effective policies”, June 15–16, Sciences Po, Paris, June 15, funded by the United Nations, Education for Justice (E4J), United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.


  • 06/2017 “The Importance of Social Norms in Designing Anti-Corruption Mechanisms”, Interdisciplinary Corruption Research (ICR) Forum “How to conceptualize corruption? Understanding corruption to design effective policies”, June 15–16, Sciences Po, Paris, June 15


  • 06/2017 “Corruption and Norms”, Interdisciplinary Corruption Research (ICR) Forum “How to conceptualize corruption? Understanding corruption to design effective policies”, June 15–16, Sciences Po, Paris, June 16


  • 10/2016 “Reciprocity in Israel and Palestine”, Workshop “Empirical Methods in Peace- and Conflict Resolution”, Universität Konstanz, October 04–05, October 05


  • 09/2016 “Corruption Games across Cultures”, ECPR General Conference, Charles University, September 07–10, Prague, September 10 Panel Chair “Corruption and Norms”, ECPR General Conference, Charles University, September 07-10, Prague, September 10


  • 08/2015 “Reciprocity and Democracy”, ECPR General Conference, Université de Montréal, August 26–29, Montréal, August 28


  • 04/2015 “Corruption and Culture: A Comparative Study of the U.S. and Germany”, 73. MPSA (Midwest Political Science Association), April 16 –19, Chicago, April 17


  • 11/2014 “The Sweet Temptation of Corruption: Understanding Corrupt Actions by Experiments”, I2FC, Interdisciplinary Insights on Fraud and Corruption, Porto, Portugal, November 22


  • 10/2014 “Understanding Corruption by Means of Experiments”, International Conference "Theoretical Schools and Methodological Approaches in Contemporary European Political Science. A Comparative Perspective", Adam Mickiewicz University, PoznaÅ„, Polen, October 23–24


  • 10/2013 “Is it all about profit? Corruption in European Comparative Perspective”, Konferenz der DVPW-Sektion “Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, Leipzig, October 11


  • 07/2012 "Understanding Corruptive Behaviour by Means of Experiments", 4. ECPR Graduate Student Conference, Jacobs University, Bremen, July 04–06


  • 11/2012 "Corruption and Trust: A model design“, Nachwuchskonferenz der DVPW-Sektion „Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft”, Philipps-University Marburg, March 29


  • 11/2011 „Politische Korruption in Europa“, 19th Conference of Young Research Experts on Eastern Europe, Berlin, November 25–27 


  • 04/2011 “Determinants of Political Corruption in Comparative Perspective”, 4th Graduate Workshop of Northern German Network Democracy Studies, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, April 29


  • 09/2010 „Determinanten von Korruption in vergleichender Perspektive“, Conference of “Young Researchers“, Section “Comparative Political Science“, Universität Duisburg-Essen, September 20

Invited Talks (Selection)

  • Dec 2017 “Trust and Reciprocity in European States”, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya, Israel, December 07


  • Oct 2017 “Trust in Europe – Why Institutions Matter”, The Open University of Israel, Department of Sociology, Political Science and Communication, October 29


  • Oct 2017 “Let’s play: Bribery Games in the U.S., Germany (and Israel)”, Quality of Government Institute, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, October 04


  • June 2017 “Trust in Europe“, Department of Political Science, Tel Aviv University, Israel, June 28


  • May 2017 “Methodological Challenges of Experimental Studies”, Department of Political Science, Tel Aviv University, Israel, May 17


  • Nov 2016 “Experiments in Political Science”, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Germany, November 28


  • Apr 2016 “Reciprocity in Israel and Palestine”, Department of Political Science, Tel Aviv University, Israel, April 04


  • Dec 2015 “Reciprocity in Israel and Palestine”, The School of Psychological Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Israel, December 21


  • Dec 2014 “Interdisciplinary (Anti-)Corruption Research? Research project planning meets anti-corruption practitioners", Transparency International, Berlin, Germany with Johann Steudle and Nils Köbis, December 11


  • Dec 2014 “Corruption in Comparative Perspective“, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Goethe Universität Frankfurt,  Germany, December 09


  • Mar 2014 “The Bigger Picture of Corruption: A Comparative Analysis of Europe and the Rest of the World”, Center for the Study of Democracy, University of California, Irvine, California, March 03


  • Jul 2012 “It’s all about profit: Determinants of Corruption in European Comparative Perspective”, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany, July 11


  • Jan 2011 “Corruption and Trust: A Model Design”, Universität Leipzig, Germany, January 26 

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