Books, edited volumes, special issues
2019. Corruption and Informal Practices in the Middle East and North Africa, Routledge (with Aiysha Varraich).
2018. Corruption and the Impact of Democracy (Eds). Special Issue Crime, Law and Social Change (with Annika Engelbert).
2018. The Role of Law in Curbing Corruption (Eds.). Special Issue Crime, Law and Social Change (with Annika Engelbert).
2017. Corruption and Norms: Why Informal Rules Matter (Eds.), Palgrave Macmillan. Political Corruption and Governance Series (with Annika Engelbert).
2017. Parties, Governments and Elites: The Comparative Study of Democracy (Eds.), Springer VS Verlag (with Philipp Harfst and Thomas Poguntke).
2016. Experimente in der Politikwissenschaft. Eine methodische Einführung. Springer VS Verlag.
2015. Corruption in Europe: Is it all about Democracy? Nomos-Verlag.
2009. Wie sind Russlands Menschrechte noch zu retten? Welchen Einfluss Nichtregierungsorganisationen wirklich haben. Tectum Verlag.
Articles and chapters in edited volumes (*peer reviewed)
2018. You don’t do it! Why is corruption so low in Germany? Citizen’s attitudes and norms towards corruption. German Politics and Society (forthcoming).*
2018. Experimente, quasi- und natürliche Experimente. In: Claudius Wagemann, Achim Goerres, Markus Siewert (Eds.): Handbuch Methoden Politikwissenschaft. Springer VS Verlag: 1–28.*
2017. Europe’s “Democratic Culture” in the Fight Against Corruption. Crime, Law and Social Change, special issue: Corruption and the Impact of Democracy: 44–66.*
2017. Let’s play: Bribery Games in the U.S. and Germany. In: Ina Kubbe and Annika Engelbert (Eds.): Corruption and Norms: Why Informal Rules Matter. Palgrave Macmillan: 153–185.*
2017. Vitamin B. In: Alena V. Ledeneva, Anna Bailey, Scheelagh Barron, Constanza Curro and Elizabeth Teague (Eds.): The Global Encyclopedia of Informality. Understanding Social and Cultural Complexity. Volume 1. UCL Press: 92–94.*
2017. Experimentelle Forschung – neue Entwicklungen. In: Sebastian Jäckle (Ed.): Neue Trends in den Sozialwissenschaften – Innovative Techniken für qualitative und quantitative Forschung. Springer VS Verlag: 85–114.*
2017. Elites and Corruption in European Democracies. In: Philipp Harfst, Ina Kubbe and Thomas Poguntke (Eds.): Parties, Governments and Elites. Springer VS Verlag: 249–279.
2014. Corruption and Trust. A Model Design. In: Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, “The (Dys-) Functionality of Corruption: Comparative Perspectives and Methodological Pluralism” 07(01), edited by Tobias Debiel and Andrea Gawrich: 117–135.*
2008. Europa näherkommen. Online-Journal. E-politik.de. Politik, Gesellschaft und Politikwissenschaft.
2018. “'This is How it Goes'”: Why Israel does not solve its corruption problems. Conference Paper presented at the ECPR General Conference, Hamburg, August 24
2016. Reciprocity in Israel and Palestine. Paper presented at a Workshop on “Empirical Methods in Peace- and Conflict Resolution”, Universität Konstanz, October 05.
2015. Reciprocity and Democracy. Conference Paper presented at the ECPR General Conference, Université de Montréal, August 28
2015. An Experimental Study on Corrupt Actions (with Michael McBride). (CSD Working Papers). Irvine: Center for the Study of Democracy, University of California.
2015. Corruption and Culture: A Comparative Study of the U.S. and Germany. Conference Paper presented at the 73. MPSA (Midwest Political Science Association), Chicago, April 17.
2014. The Bigger Picture of Corruption. Europe in Comparative Perspective. (CSD Working Papers). Irvine: Center for the Study of Democracy, University of California.
2014. The Sweet Temptation of Corruption. Conference Paper presented at I2FC Conference – Second Interdisciplinary Insights on Fraud and Corruption. Multiple Perspectives of the Shadow Economy, Porto, November 22.
2014. Becoming Prime Minister in Europe: Gendered Paths to Political Power (with Ferdinand Müller-Rommel and Michelangelo Vercesi). Conference Paper presented at the ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Salamanca, April 10 – 15.
2014. Understanding Corruption by Means of Experiments. Conference Paper presented at the International Conference "Theoretical Schools and Methodological Approaches in Contemporary European Political Science. A Comparative Perspective", Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Polen, October 24
2012. Review of Lehnert, Detlef (Eds.): Demokratiekultur in Europa. Politische Repräsentation im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, Böhlau 2011, in: Neue Politische Literatur, 57(1): 132 –133.
Work in Progress
2019. Corruption, democracy and (non-development): The role of the European Union (with Liljana Cvetanoska). Handbook on Democracy and Development. Edward Elgar Publishing (forthcoming).
Corruption and Informal Practices in the Middle East and North Africa (with Aiysha Varraich) (book manuscript in preparation).
Revisiting the role of risk-aversion in gender and corruption research (with Amy Alexander and Lena Wängnerud) (article manuscript in preparation).
Populism and Corruption in the Digital Age (with Miranda Loli) (article manuscript in preparation).
Meta-Study on Bribery Games (with Nils Koebis and Bruno Verschuere)(article manuscript in preparation).
Disentangling the Corruption-Populism Link: Concepts and Approaches (with Miranda Loli) (Book Chapter).
Why is there so much variation in the level of corruption between democracies? A comparative experimental analysis of three democratic societies (article manuscript in preparation).